On February 3rd, 2025, a new policy banning cell phones took effect in the Upper School. The new rule, which requires students to “turn off or silence their phones and keep them secured in their lockers or backpacks until dismissal” was introduced in an Upper School assembly. Students at the assembly were visibly shocked and upset by the new rule since most had grown accustomed to routinely using their phones throughout the day and especially during free periods. Although students openly questioned and criticized the new policy, it quickly became clear that there was no room for debate on the issue. The school administration explained that before making the decision to ban phones, they had received input from students and parents.
Students interviewed agreed that phones should not be permitted during class but believe that they should be allowed during free blocks. Angelina Morreno, a LJCDS junior, stated that she needs her phone for emergencies and is worried that her family won’t be able to contact her if they need to. She also said that Mr. Joseph’s use of a parent survey regarding cell phones to support the implementation of the ban was misplaced, as the parents who filled out the survey weren’t aware of the amount students used their phones prior to the ban. Lucia Araya, another junior, said that she uses her phone to listen to music and to check her schedule. She also believes that use of phones during lunch poses any problems. Lucia believes that the administration had good intentions but sees the ban as an extreme measure. Porter Brunson, a freshman, said that he is “anti phone ban” and that his “heart drops” whenever he instinctively reaches into his pocket for his phone. He thinks that the administration should have gotten more feedback from students before instituting the ban. He also feels likeMr. Joseph is taking away his basic rights and he feels like the school doesn’t trust him. Angelina Morreno believes that prohibiting phones will open up new distractions on computers and that the ban is doing more harm than good by causing students to hide their phones and use them secretively.
Since the ban is relatively new, it remains to be seen whether it will achieve its goal of “enhance[ing] classroom engagement, strengthen[ing] peer relationships, and create[ing] meaningful opportunities for authentic connection throughout the school day.” In the meantime, students will need to come to terms with the anxiety and frustration that they have been feeling as the ban appears to be here to stay for the foreseeable future.